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We generally know what work we need people to do and often have an idea of how we would expect to do that, in line with the organisation's values and code of conduct. However, this is not always clear to employees or easy for managers to deal with issues when people are delivering but not necessarily in the way we would like.

A Competency Framework captures the core competencies that lead to superior performance in your organisation. These can be behaviours, qualities, attributes and traits that help employees be successful. They are about how work is done and ensure that successfully achieving objectives in a way that does not meet the company ethos is not rewarded.

They provide a common language to understand and discuss performance and can support personal development planning in highlighting how people will be expected to behave at each level of the organisation and what will be required to progress.


To discuss your specific requirements for Competency or Skills Framework support or learn more about these and we can help your organisation, please contact us

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